Minggu, 12 April 2009

Celebrate, The Resurrection of Our Lord!

Natal adalah perayaan kelahiran Tuhan kita ke dunia.
Setiap orang juga pasti pernah dilahirkan.

Jumat Agung adalah peringatan kematian Tuhan kita.
Setiap orang juga pasti akan mati.

Tapi hari ini, Minggu Paskah, kita merayakan Tuhan kita yang melawan maut, dan menang!

Bagi semua pembaca setia Bacotan Orang Terbuang, Si Pembacot a.k.a. Alfonso Rodriguez Peña del Castillo mengucapkan:

Happy Easter! Christ is risen, indeed He is risen!Joyeuses Pâques! Christ est ressuscite , en verite il est ressuscite!
Frohe Ostern! Christus ist auferstanden, wahrhaft auferstanden!Buona Pasqua! Cristo č risorto, č veramente risorto!
Felices Pascuas! Cristo esta resucitado, en verdad esta resucitado!
Zalig Pasen! Christus is opgestaan, Hij is waarlijk opgestaan!
Feliz Páscoa! Christo ressuscitou, em verdade ressuscitou!
Glad Påsk! Kristus ar upstanden, sannerligen upstanden!
Cáisc Shona Dhaoibh! Tá Críosd ar éirigh, go deimhin tá e ar éirigh!
Paşte fericit! Hristos a inviat, adeverat ca a inviat!
καλό Πάσχα! χριστοσ ανεστι, αλιθοσ ανεστι!
Светлой Пасхи! Христос воскресе, воистину воскресе!
よい復活祭を! キリスト復活,実に復活!
Surrexit Dominus vere! Christus resurrexit, vere resurrexit!

Selamat Paskah! Kristus bangkit, Ia sungguh bangkit!

Christ The Lord is Risen

Christ the Lord is ris'n indeed, Hallelujah!
He has met His people's need, Hallelujah!
Raise your joys and triumphs high, Hallelujah!
Sing, ye heav'ns and earth, reply, Hallelujah!

Lives again our glorious King, Hallelujah!
Where, O Death, is now thy sting? Hallelujah!
Dying once He all doth save, Hallelujah!
Where thy victory, O grave? Hallelujah!

Love's redeeming work is done, Hallelujah!
Fought the fight, the battle won, Hallelujah!
Death in vain forbade Him rise, Hallelujah!
Christ ascended o'er the skies, Hallelujah!

Soar we now where Christ hath led, Hallelujah!
Following our exalted Head, Hallelujah!
Made like Him, like Him we rise, Hallelujah!
Free from all the earthly ties, Hallelujah!


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